Sunday 17 June 2018

Relaxing Weekend, Peg Fun

I'm having a rest from peg soldiers this weekend as I don't want to do my usual thing, which is to obsessively work on a particular project until I burn out and get bored! So, I've been deliberately working at a couple of things completely unrelated to my usual stuff (although, still in wood).

First off, in the same vein as my little peg bi-plane I decided to explore what else I could make from small pieces of wood and peg related parts! I have always liked traditional 1930s toys and so racing cars quickly came to mind...

I have actually gotten a bit further on than the basic work seen in the above snap and reckon I will have these banged out by mid-week. I'm keeping the modelling very simple and stylised in keeping with the 'toy car' idea.

Next, I have been getting interested in RPG game like Dungeons & Dragons (in fact, I attended my first game of D&D just last Thursday) and so I thought it would be nice to see if I could make something 'Tolkien-esque' looking out of pegs. My first attempt is a little basic (most of the wok will be in the painting)...

And that's it really, a bit Molatero un-related, but it's all good practise for working with wood.

Hope you all had a nice weekend (now that the World Cup has started)!

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