Tuesday 19 June 2018

Trying Something New (Painting Style)

I'm playing about with a different painting style (with gratitude to 'Graymouse65' of the excellent 'Wooden Warriors' blog for the inspiration), it's a lot looser and brash than my usual 'tight' technique that I've been using for my peg soldiers thus far.

I begin with flat colour blocks, just like my other peg figures.

I guess you might say that it's a little cartoony, but this is a fantasy figure for a D&D game so I guess this style is in keeping with the spirit of the game...

Anyway, it's taking be time to 'loosen up' and get the 'deliberately sloppy' look with my brush. I don't want straight and even lines and I don't want evenly spaced patterns. This is hard work for me!

By the way, the button will be the warrior's shield!

I reckon it will take me three or four practise figures to get into this style (and to work out how to shade and highlight things properly).


  1. I like him....he has a real 11th-12th century manuscript look about it. Well done.

  2. Thanks for the shout out, by the way!

    I agree with Springinsfeld! He looks like he walked right off the famous tapestry! Also, I think the "shading" done on the face really works well for him.
