Sunday 20 September 2020

Peg Monoplane No. 1 Scheme & Decals

 My original idea for this little monoplane was for it to be the next addition to my Molatarian Air Force. It was going to have a purple and orange based colour scheme and emblems, BUT then...

As I mentioned in a previous post, this little aircraft's design is loosely based on the 1930's Boeing P. 26 pursuit fighter of the U.S. Army Air Force and - frankly - the historical schemes are so darn attractive that I found that I just could not persuade myself to do anything but one of these colourful designs. Here's an example...

Very pretty, and very typical of the era. So, you see, I couldn't resist having a crack at a real world scheme (maybe I can pretend it's on loan to the Molaterian Air Force). 😆

Well, the next thing was to transfer the scheme and it's lovely emblems onto the primed model ready to paint. I thought the easiest way to do this would be to trace the designs onto the plane using old fashioned carbon paper. But first I needed to create a suitably sized emblem template, this I did by drawing a copy using Affinity Designer (vector design software)...

The design drawn to the right size for the wings I convert it to a black outline and printed it out with guidelines to make sure I place it in the correct position on the model's wings...

I've never done a 'realistic' peg model aircraft before so I was a bit unsure how to go about doing all the detailed emblems and - indeed - how much to do (as this is a simplified model). So I decided to try a mix of masking and transferring the USAAF roundels and painting on the rest of the 'decals' straight on.

At the same time I painted on the two primary base colours of yellow and blue... (Can you tell that I'm making this up as I go along, as usual?)

Well, that's where I got to as I have so many projects on my workbench at the moment so I'm having to careful manage my time. The list of Christmas presents grows ever longer BUT I am making sure - for my own sanity - that I am doing some personal projects in between the 'jobs'! 😉

Indeed, I should have some good old toy soldiers to show you again very soon!

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