Not a lot of completion, but a lot of tinkering at the moment! Several 'peg soldier' projects going on at the same time including:
• Franco-Prussian War prototypes for a Portable Wargame setup...Mainly trying to figure out a way to easily replicate unit headdresses!
• How to make a peg cavalry?! Trying a few random wooden components in order to make some horses for my 48mm peg soldiers.
• ...Even more hats! Yes, you can't have too many military hats, so I'm experimenting with Milliput putty to see what I can make.
• And, finally, do I go 'big'? I bought some of the commercial wooden 'blanks' (fake peg figures), which are a slightly larger scale than my 48mm (traditional dolly peg) soldiers.
So...As I said, a lot going on. This whole peg soldier thing is a little addictive! :)
That kepi is awesome!!!