Saturday 27 February 2021

Lovecraftian Pegs - Good Guy, Bad Guy

Completed my latest peg duo, a couple of Pulp Lovecraftian RPG figures. 

I'm still working on low and middle level NPC characters - I'll leave the scary high level Mythos creatures until last - so here's a couple of more figures that can add some spice to the narrative but are easily disposable early to mid game (pre-boss level if you like).

'Mr. Mustafa' is a rather nasty middleman, a collector (and sometimes fence) of rare ancient artefacts. He is loosely based of the Hollywood actor Peter Lorre (with a bit of Sydney Greenstreet from 'The Maltese Falcon' and the character Beni Gabor from 'The Mummy' thrown in)...

The second figure is - I would imagine - quite a useful but not vital character, a policeman. In this case he is a New York police sergeant (a nice counterpart to the British Bobby I did last year) and I guess you might consider him as being a 'ambiguous' entity as he might be good but also - dependant on the storyline - he could be belligerent character.

These are the first of my new 3D printed peg characters and as such they include a few new ways of doing things that make them slightly different from my original wooden pegs. I've also departed from my original gloss finish of my peg soldiers, I've applied a satin varnish finish which seems more fitting for these gaming figures.

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